Goulet is the name of the founder and Turpin that of his neighbor (who will become his wife). It is the creator of the self-service store in France and the supermarkets 10 years old later.
It is a revolution not only by the originality, but also for all the structure and the management of a store.

Figures Goulet-turpin are essentially animals for the most famous, but there is also a "pyramidal" said series of clowns as well as a old series of dogs (in the course of research).

We distinguish a net difference of style at the level of the engraving according to the time of the series and figures are engraved by the brand in one cartridge or not, according to the place available on the subject (See pictures).
The various engravings of the brand
Wild animals
50's - 60's
The animals
Exist with the brand of Cafés GOULOU