The couples
Same sorts

This series consists of 50 semi-flexible plastic animals. There's a multitude of variants at the level of colors. The brand Prior is engraved under heat, more or less apparently on every figure. We find also certain parts with the brand Avia.
There's also an unmarked large number there. This series was apparently made by a factory (foreigner or not), then proposed in the diverse brands. What explains that we find the other animals of the same manufacturing, even color but what does not appear in the engraved series.

A horse , a ram and a Rabbit are known under the brand Prior. Impossible to insert them into this series. Is there a series " The farm "?

It is easy to define 49 animals of this series. For the 50th, it is about the polar bear, identical to the brown bear.
Finally, after investigation, the hippotrague is alone. There are in fact 2 fennecs (Thanks to Geneviève)

Goto series 2