Pterosaurus - Trias
-230 à - 60 M. years
Stegosaurus - Jurassic
-156 à - 140 M. years
Plateosaure - Trias sup.
-221 à - 229 M. years
Liopleurodon - Jurassic
-160 à - 155 M. years
Archaeopterix - Jurassic
-156 à - 150 M. years
Gorgonopsidae - Permien
-280 à - 248 M. years
Eryops - Permien
-155 à - 193 M.years
Dimetrodon - Permien
-280 à - 265 M. years
Ichthyosaure - Mesozoique
-250 à - 90 M. years
Nothosaurus - Trias
-240 à - 210 M. years
Plesiosaure - Jurassic
-199 à - 145 M. years
Diplodocus - Jurassic
-199 à - 145 M. years
Iguanodon - Cretaceous
-155 à - 193 M. years
Protoceratops - Cretaceous
-112 à - 140 M. years
Kronosaurus - Cretaceous
-112 à - 145 M. years
Tyranosaurus - Cretaceous
- 68 M. years
Triceratops - Cretaceous
-72 à - 65 M. years
Paleotharium - Eocene
-45 M. years
Woolly Rhinoceros
-30.000 Years
Mammoth - Later-ice
-1700 years
One of the rare advertising series on the theme of dinosaurs, made up of 20 references. They exist under the brands Wagner (margarine), Epargne ( German Supply), Shreddies (USA) and Heudebert. It exists also unmarked and with other colors there.
It is not easy to find these intact figurines. In particular the mammoth, the rhinoceros or the pterosaur.
Click on these pictures