1. Oeil de Lynx
2. Grand nez
3. Aigle Blanc
4. Vif éclair
5. Loup solitaire
6. Grand calumet
7. Old Joe
8. Pied agile
9. Pecos Bill
10. Buffalo Bill
11. Anny
du Farwest
12. Red Canyon
13. Faucon
14. Bill tornade
15. Totem
16. Tim l'audace
17. Harry
18. Ours gris
19. Grand
20. Nez d'élan
21. Biche agile
22. Nuage d'orage
23. Oeil rapide
24. Longues
25. Grand sorcier
26. Grand coyote
27. Old Jim
28. Domingo
29. Jimmy
30. Billy Brown
31. Terrible scalp
32. Grandes
33. Arc rapide
34. Bouclier d'argent
35. Buck John
36. Percy
37. Flèche d'argent
38. Texas Bill
39. Marmite
40. Oeil terrible
41. Nez de chien
42. Fleur de
43. Carter
44. Slim
45. Vieux
46. Corne d'argent
47. Vieux bison
48. Grand
49. Coeur
50. Grand Jérôme
50. Corbeau adroit
50. Gros Bill
51. Kid Booney
51. Danseuse
52. Harnachement
52. Mohican bleu
53. Sam Joyce
54. Flèche de feu
55. Mike
56. Buffle noir
57. Old Wapi
58. Arc Infaillible
59. Plume brisée
60. Cheval fou
Le Farwest Serie 2

A real series Legal has to be necessarily:

- Plastic hard
- Grey, golden color or dregs of wine
- The name of the character must be engraved on the front of the base
- The number as well as "Café Legal" must be engraved behind the Base

About the markings it exist variants: Café Legal in the back without number and idem without the name of the character in front of either. There are also engravings of the name inverted.

Any other variants result from the same molds, but were never distributed by Legal (see the variants).