Resin mould for Mokarex
Step 1: The original mold Mokarex, here of Marceau, must be very clean and very dry.
Step 2: Precise dosage of the resin ( white jar) and the hardener which will be afterward mixed.
Step 3: A very fine coat of turning out special resin is applied to both parts of the mold.
Step 4: Meeting of the resin and the hardener which we mix then very slowly to avoid air bubbles during approximately 30 seconds.
Step 5: Immediately, but always very slowly, the mixture is poured via the base of the figure and more précisemment by feet, until the small rectangle, which will become the base, is covered.
Step 6: It is necessary to wait approximately for about twenty minutes (concerning this resin), so that the material hardens enough to proceed to the turning out.
Step 7: Opening of the mold and Marceau appears, ready to be to ébarber. It is also necessary to clean at once the mold of the residues of resin and tracks of turning out and possibly to grease it if its use is not planned in the short term.
Even if it countered simple, are needed a lot of time and small techniques to realize a figure Mokarex by this process. Indeed, these molds are conceived for a production in factory and not in manual worker and it is an immense luck to be able to reach there.
Of the preparation for the deburring, it is necessary to count three good quarters of an hour.
Their realization will allow to obtain figurines Mokarex rare to paint or to collect, that we usually find at prizes become very high. Furthermore fortunate possessing Marceau, Fouquier-Tinville, Fragonard, Berlioz and more, rarely dares to put them in paint anyway.
Authorization and under control of the Effigies Company
These products may be dangerous to health if no precautions are taken.